A business turnaround;
refinancing and an exit
Earlier in his career, Howard Bayliss led the finance team in a £5m turnover engineering consulting firm. When he joined, he soon discovered that the business had a number of serious issues including:-
- Lack of financial information – directors were relying on quarterly management accounts prepared up to a quarter in arrears;
- Absentee majority shareholder meant that the company was unable to incentivize key senior staff who were leaving and taking clients with them;
- Non-profitable Irish and Eastern European subsidiaries;
- The business frequently exceeded its £700,000 overdraft limit, damaging banking relationships.
- This led to the directors having charges over their homes;
- All of the above contributed to the business being under pressure and loss-making.
Actions taken by Howard to help turnaround the business included:
- Introduced monthly management accounts with the UK P&L broken down between the 5 UK offices;
- Increased focus on financial performance;
- Disposal of Non-profit making subsidiaries;
- Cash flow improvement including reducing the length of the invoicing cycle and encouraging relationship holders to take responsibility for overdue debt;
- Replaced overdraft with invoice finance facility, removing directors' charges/guarantees in the process;
- Absentee majority shareholder bought out allowing senior staff to buy in, bringing cash into the business.
- The business performance improved from £300,000 loss to £625,000 profit in 4 years
- Debt was reduced to zero over that period
- The business was then sold to a trade buyer
… your efforts in assisting me, particularly over the last 2/3 years have been second to none and you have been instrumental and a key player in turning this company around. Your help and assistance during the sale negotiations was of particular merit and very much appreciated by the board and shareholders alike.
Managing Director at DWP